Carl Prisen 2016
Jakob Bro receives the Carl Prize 2016 for his compositional work on Gefion.
Thank you Thomas Morgan, Jon Christensen, Manfred Eicher and ECM Records.
Jakob Bro receives the Carl Prize 2016 for his compositional work on Gefion.
Thank you Thomas Morgan, Jon Christensen, Manfred Eicher and ECM Records.
Gefion is Album Of The Year at the Danish Music Awards Jazz 2015
Gefion and Jakob Bro receives two nominations for DMA Jazz 2015. Record of the year and composer of the year
“A fascinating reinvention of melodicism … a truly outstanding, pioneering album”
The trilogy: BALLADEERING (2009), TIME (2011) & DECEMBER SONG (2013) has been nominated for the Nordic Councils Music Prize 2014.
Review of December Song in the March issue of
“Danish guitarist Jakob Bro is a musician for whom time, space and melody seem relative and related things. A luminous composer whose guitar …
December Song is Danish Jazz Record of the year in Nordic magazine Jazz Special
On November 1st-3rd 2013 Jakob Bro finished the recordings of his ECM debut with Jon Christensen and Thomas Morgan.
Manfred Eicher was producing and the session was engineered by Jan Erik …
Released by the Aarhus-based label Loveland Records this beautiful drummer-less album recorded at Avatar in New York last December is dedicated to Paul Motian. It follows on from Time and …
“ Den stilfærdige stormester: »Denne her musik fungerer bedst i første take«
5 stjerner *****
Med albummet »December Song« indspillet blandt amerikanere i New York afrunder den danske guitarist Jakob Bro en bemærkelsesværdig musikalsk trilogi.
Den nu 35-årige guitarist Jakob Bro er …